Log Cabin Ski Society

Buckwheat International Ski Classic 2025

March 8th - 15th, 2025
Log Cabin Ski Trails - Skagway AK

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Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *

For example, 123-456-7890
Shirt Size? *


Log Cabin Society Ski Society
Volunteer Services Agreement

The Buckwheat International Ski Classic is a race of regional significance that is international in nature, a celebration of spring and what makes this region truly great! The race began as a crazy idea in 1987 and over time has evolved into an event that is truly remarkable!

The race itself would not exist if it were not for the exceptional and sometimes herculean efforts of volunteers' past and present. I understand that as a volunteer I am a representative of the Buckwheat International Ski Classic and as a representative of the race I have a responsibility to present and conduct myself in a manner that will reflect positively on this event, its unique nature, and tremendous history. Enjoy, be safe, and have fun!